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Episode Summary: In this episode of MSP Business School, host Brian Doyle dives deep into the critical topic of Quarterly Business Reviews (QBRs). Drawing from his extensive experience at VCIO Toolbox, he identifies and discusses the five main pitfalls that can undermine effective QBRs.

Whether you're an MSP struggling to engage your clients or looking to elevate your business review process, Brian offers meaningful solutions to common challenges. Brian opens the discussion by emphasizing the importance of having the right people in the room. He highlights the necessity of demonstrating value to ensure key decision-makers attend these strategic sessions.

Next, he addresses the issue of keeping QBR meetings on track, stressing the importance of clear agendas and focused discussions to prevent the derailment by day-to-day issues. Brian also speaks on the importance of bringing consistent data points and avoiding technical jargon that can alienate non-technical stakeholders. Lastly, he underscores the importance of showcasing business outcomes to make QBRs more than just sales pitches, transforming them into valuable, consultative engagements.

### Key Takeaways: -

**Getting the Right People in the Room:** Engage and demonstrate value to key decision-makers, including business owners and CFOs, to ensure their attendance and participation. 

**Maintaining Meeting Focus:** Establish and circulate clear agendas before meetings, and effectively communicate the strategic nature of QBRs to keep discussions on track. 

 **Consistency in Data:** Present consistent and meaningful data across meetings to help clients recognize improvements and understand key metrics.

**Simplifying Technical Information:** Translate technical details into business outcomes to make QBRs valuable and comprehensible for non-technical stakeholders.

**Showcasing Business Outcomes:** Align technology recommendations with the client's business goals to create actionable roadmaps and foster stronger partnerships. 

Check out this episode!