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Show Website: https://mspbusinessschool.com/
Guest Name: Paul Daigle
LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pauldaigle100/
Company: BizAdvisoryBoard
Website: https://bizadvisoryboard.com/
Host Brian Doyle: https://www.linkedin.com/in/briandoylemetathinq/
Brian Doyle is joined by Paul Daigle from bizadvisoryboard.com to discuss navigating the MSP landscape. Paul shares insights on transitioning from a VAR to an MSP, growth through acquisitions, and the importance of specialization in markets. They delve into the challenges of scaling MSP businesses, focusing on moving through financial peer groups, and understanding business valuation. Paul introduces tools to help MSPs assess their business worth and provides guidance on accelerating growth. This episode is packed with practical advice for MSP owners aiming to enhance their strategic direction and value.
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